150 hours of practice (3 hours a day for at least 50 days), 25 dances, more than 25 teachers involved in training and all 280 students involved in this mega event of RMPS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, the Anuual Day 2019-20 SPIRITOM.
It was not only about dance or drama or music or any art form, it was not only about recognising the talents of our brilliant kids, it also not only about highlighting the immense progress the school has made in just a span of two years. This event was more than that. SPIRITOM is to celebrate the spirit of our students, it is a process to teach them how to focus on a goal and work towards it with full focus. It is also a lesson to our students in collaboration and creativity keeping the importance of practice in mind.
What our students, teachers and all staff members have achieved through this process is going to help us all to move few steps forward towards a bigger goal of becoming one of the best schools of this country if not the world. With full support of our parents, we are confident that this goal is not very far away.
The sky is the limit and RMPS students already have started their journey towards it.